Follow the sun

Tengerparti sziklaoldal naplementekor, élénk rózsaszín, lila és narancssárga árnyalatú égbolttal, amely fényt vet a nyugodt tengerre. Az előtérben ritka növényzet látható.

Of the many sights that the Maltese islands can offer, the stunning sunset over the horizon is one of the most magnificent ones, whatever time of year you are visiting.

Seven activities in Marsaxlokk

Colorful boats are moored in calm waters, with intricate patterns and painted eyes on their prows. The boats' reflections are visible in the water. Buildings and trees are seen in the background.

From boats and markets to forts and swimming coves, there’s much to discover in the colourful seaside village of Marsaxlokk

Why Malta is the ideal minimoon destination

Tengerparti táj egy sziklás félszigettel, zöld tereppel, amely nyugodt kék vizekbe nyúlik a részben felhős égbolt alatt.

Whether you’re in need of a pre-wedding break to destress from the planning or you’re planning on booking a short holiday to celebrate afterwards, a minimoon now holds a firm […]