Visiting Malta? Here are 5 Handy Travel Tips and Tricks

An open suitcase with folded clothes, surrounded by a hat, passport, sunglasses, smartphone with earphones, a camera, map, and shoes on a wooden surface.

Whether you’re visiting Malta for business or leisure we welcome you to our sun-kissed isles.

With airports busier than ever, long queues and the general mad rush associated with travel, one can never be prepared enough. During this transition, time has never been or felt more important – there are some tips we’ve put together to keep you going; to make sure you reach your destination as calmly and pleasantly as possible.

Preparation and Separation

Check flight status and check in online – it seems obvious really but it’s surprising how many things are left out during the ‘rush hour’ before heading out to the airport.

Before you leave home put your ID card or passport, boarding pass and credit card in an easily accessible, separate part of your bag or wallet. Clutter is the enemy of smooth passage – as are liquids over 100ml!

Pack Zen

Travelling without any checked-in luggage should be your goal. Are you absolutely sure that you need six pairs of shoes and an iron? Additionally, instead of taking two or three copies of guide books along, photocopy the pages you actually need and discard them once you’ve used them – repeat after us, ‘I will travel lighter, faster and easier”.

Get Rolling

Make sure that the next suitcase you buy has four wheels instead of two. This newer design allows you to manoeuvre your bag almost effortlessly in tight spaces and push it in front of you, rather than pulling it along behind.

Learn the Lingo

A little effort can go a long way! Memorising a couple of words or phrases in the local language, and having the courage to use them is a nifty way of starting off your holiday. Should you happen to be Malta-bound in the next couple of weeks, might we suggest ‘Bongu’ (Bon-juu – Good Morning), ‘Grazzi’ (Grat-zee – Thank you) or ‘Iva’ (yes) or ‘Le’ (no).

Prep your Phone

Most of the time, we’re fully aware of where we’re planning on travelling to next from a considerable time in advance. Don’t leave everything to the last minute, or rely on airport WiFi to update and download apps. If you happen to be travelling to Malta, read more about useful local apps here.

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