Celebrating Earth Hour

The image features the Earth Hour logo with "60+" indicating minutes, against a black background.

Earth Hour, an initiative launched by WWF (WorldWildlife Fund), is a global call to take responsibility and action and thus lead the way towards a sustainable future. By encouraging all of us to take a single step, the Earth Hour movement symbolises the impact that we can have by working together to protect our future.

Join millions of people across the world who will switch lights off for an hour – to raise awareness for the planet.

The Marina Hotel Corinthia Beach Resort will be partaking in this symbolic event by diminishing lights and using candles in all main public areas & restaurants on Saturday 29th March between 20:30hrs and 21:30hrs.

This imitative is taking place in conjunction Malta based CS Aromatherby, with Guests having the opportunity to purchase candles and all proceeds donated to the children’s charity “beyond the moon”.

We thank you in advance for participating.

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