My Malta Colours

A couple takes a selfie in front of a building with green balconies.

Titian Red, Café Noir, Malta Yellow

It’s always been very easy for me to associate things, places and people with particular shapes and colours – maybe it’s the way I’ve learnt to remember things, or maybe it’s just the way my brain works. In any case, a quick Google search helped me to realise that I’m not alone – the world is all about colour, and those colours represent something different to each and every one of us. Here are the colours that make up my Malta.


I believe this is the most obvious of the lot, and of course, is attributed to the clear sky and of course, the cobalt sea that surrounds our island. Interestingly, the colour blue also stands out in religious functions, with the colour being often attributed to the Virgin Mary.


The iconic Maltese bus was actually actively used up to a couple of years, with the majority of public transport being supplied by these vintage vehicles. Despite not being as reliable, or efficient than the current buses, very few things compare to squeezing into one of the plastic-covered seats and opening the large (non-tempered) glass windows to feel the wind on your face.



A distinct reminder of the days when Malta was a British colony, I associate red to the characteristic telephone and post boxes that speckle our island. Traditionally English in both colour and style, these fragments of history offer some excellent photo opportunities.


Definitely honey. Malta’s name actually derives from the Roman word for honey, Melita, and is definitely something worth keeping an eye out for during your holiday in Malta. Local honey majorly originates from mixed flora that includes citrus flowers, clover, thyme, sunflowers and borage amongst others. Ooh! And also sunsets are good.


Solemn and deep, purple is a colour I’ve always associated with the church. Christianity is a big deal to the Maltese, especially around Easter time. If you happen to be in Malta during that time, I strongly recommend attending a Good Friday procession and taking in a strong dose of ‘all things local’. If on the other hand you’ll be visiting us during the summer there will be no short of purple fireworks between the months of June and September!

©viewingmalta | Mario Galea


The rolling hills of Gozo. Known for agriculture, this smaller island is located on the Northern side of Malta and is widely appreciated for its lush countryside, local produce, and secluded beaches.


Having lived here for most of my life, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time at sea. For this reason, my Malta white definitely stands for the large amount of boats out during the summer – which incidentally is something you definitely want to look into  if you happen to be visiting anytime soon.


I’m torn between the night sky, which is ridiculously intense, especially if you happen to be in the quieter parts of the island, and a bowl of steamed fresh mussels alongside a thick slice of crunchy Maltese bread. Maybe I should venture out for a midnight picnic some day.

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