5 things that only make sense if you’re Maltese


Culture is what gives a country its distinctive colours, and we’re so proud of ours!

Malta is stunning in several ways, but at times, could come across as entirely confusing from a cultural perspective. If you happen to be visiting Malta anytime soon or have perhaps earmarked our little archipelago as a potential holiday destination, we thought we’d offer a couple of insider tips that will surely help with figuring us out once you get here.

Five minutes aren’t really five

Unlike our northern counterparts, the Maltese have a tendency to consider time as a figurative particle of speech, rather than an actual measure. This often means that most Maltese tend to be late most of the time. Life is way more chilled out here than it might be in other European metropolitan cities, and five minutes could mean anything between the actual five-minute time allowance, and a couple of hours – if not days. Enjoy the weather and get into the vibe, you’ll learn to forget all about your watch too after a couple of days, we’re almost certain about that.

There’s a better view outside

Even though this is decreasing in popularity with the younger generation, dragging a chair outside and gathering with neighbours to watch the world go by is akin to a national pastime in Malta. Look out for discreet hoards of older ladies and gentlemen gathered in corners, or outside private residences catching up after sunset, especially during summer.

If you don’t flag it down it won’t stop

Unlike most European bus stops, where the bus stops at each stop to pick up and drop off passengers, Maltese bus stops are mostly considered shelters from the summer sun. For this reason, bus drivers do not stop at each stop unless specifically asked to. If you want the driver to know you want a ride and aren’t simply taking a break, you need to flag the bus down. They’re faster than you’d imagine so keep a sharp eye; you snooze, you lose.

It’s OK to shout

It might appear that the two ladies at the grocery store are about to mortally wound each other, but they’re probably simply discussing the Eurovision. The Maltese are known for being full of life; I like to think of it as a dash of Mediterranean flair.

Foreign football is our thing

The Maltese football team has never been particularly successful at an international level, and for this reason, many Maltese have redirected their passion towards a foreign team; with Italy and England taking the front seat. If you happen to be visiting during the Euro 16 cup for instance, and an Italian or English team happen to be playing, expect enthused fans, loads of beer and possibly eventual street parties and car carding.

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